Bunge farm
Of course, you need a bold design for such ingenious products. A logo that is as fresh as the eggs from Hof Bunge, and labels for pasta and eggnog that immediately catch the eye.
In addition tofarming and cattle basking in the lush green pastures, the Bunges have a real showstopper on their hands: chickens in a mobile coop! Yes, that's right - the chickens flit around the farm in a rolling home. And the best part? They lay eggs that are so fresh, you really flap your ears.
Until now, these fresh bombs were brought directly to the people via the small farm store. But why stop when it's just getting so nice? Now they're going one step further: country pasta made from fresh eggs from the chicken mobile! And as if that weren't enough, there's also eggnog that's guaranteed to knock your socks off.
Of course, you need a bold design for such ingenious products. Our mission at LAEND: a logo that is as fresh as the eggs from the Bunge farm and labels for pasta and eggnog that immediately catch the eye. The result? A real eye-catcher that reflects the philosophy of Hof Bunge and perfectly showcases the products.
Thanksto the brilliant vision of Hof Bunge and the great cooperation, a product line has now been created that makes you want more. So, dear people, if you're ever in the area, stop by Hof Bunge. Try the pasta, treat yourself to a sip of eggnog and say hello to the chickens in the mobile coop.
We have another exciting project for you: For the farm store Bauer Meins, it was crucial to create a uniform brand identity in order to guarantee a professional and consistent brand image with a high recognition value. The developed corporate design, including logos, stationery and website colors, is based on carefully selected keywords that guided the creative process. The focus was on the development of a new logo, inspired by a hand-drawn sketch of the farm store, which captures the characteristic architecture of the farmhouse and was digitized.
Or do you want to focus more on digitalization and social media? Then take a look at our blog article"LÄNDlich Digital: Why a collaboration with our agricultural marketing agency is a game changer" and perhaps we can soon conquer social media together.
Hauptstrasse 32
29565 Wriedel
moin (at) vomlaend.de